Sex Offender Treatment | Part of Your Criminal Defense?

We know, the idea of being labeled a sex offender is one of the
scariest things you can face. If you or someone you love, has been accused, recently arrested, or charged with a sex crime, then you are probably devastated. Innocent people are falsely accused of these crimes all the time. You could have sex with someone who:

  • Gave consent and then later claimed it was rape out of spite or confusion. (Aggravated Sexual Assault)
  • Lied about their age and turned out to be under the age of consent. (Sexual Assault)
  • Purposefully hurt themselves to make it look like you abused them.
  • Are coached by someone to make false accusations about inappropriate touching to gain control in a custody situation or relationship. (Indecency with a Child)

These are just a few of the possible scenarios that could lead you to need an attorney. Whether you were falsely accused or simply made a terrible mistake you can’t take back, you need someone in your corner. We are here to protect you – not to judge you.

Your First Steps: Contacting a Criminal Defense Attorney

The first thing you need to do if you or someone you love has been accused of sex crimes is stay calm and contact a criminal defense attorney. The first 24 to 48 hours are crucial. The authorities will be watching you and building a case against you, so it’s extremely important not to speak to them without your attorney by your side. You’ll also want to avoid reaching out to your accuser. It can be tempting, especially if you believe this is all a huge misunderstanding, but making contact with your accuser will never end well for you. As hard as it is, you need to let your attorney do the work.

Acquiring experienced legal representation is an important part of surviving this terrible ordeal. Being convicted of a sex crime could affect you for the rest of your life, limiting your career and housing options. You could even be forced to sign up for the national sex offender registry, which will lead to people gaining an unfavorable opinion of you for decades to come.

Sex Crimes: Looking into Rehabilitation

The idea that sex offenders can be treated is often passionately debated. Many people believe that someone who would commit such a crime is certain to do it again, but others feel that rehabilitation is useful and should always be considered. You will here prospective jurors say things like, “Once a child molester, always a child molester!” If a judge or jury believes you committed a sex offense, then you need to put together a compelling plan to calm their concerns about repeat offenses. Treatment works, but you need a lawyer that can get a decision maker to understand that treatment is the answer.

The California Sex Offender Treatment and Evaluation project, a 2005 study that aimed to determine the effects of a therapeutic program for sex offenders, did not find a significant difference in the recidivism rates between those who were treated and those who were not. However, it’s believed that this study was flawed in a number of ways. Not every participant was open and responsive to the treatment, but those who responded favorably did show lower recidivism rates. This suggests that rehabilitation could work, but there are a number of factors involved, including the attitude of the participant, what led them to commit the crime in the first place and whether or not they believe they can change.

Another study carried out in a prison-based therapeutic community in Colorado found that offenders who participated in a treatment program were three times less likely to commit another sex crime than those who didn’t receive treatment. It was also found that every month that treatment was continued led to an increased chance of ongoing success.

Moving Toward the Future: Get Help from an Attorney Today

If you or someone you love has been accused of a sex crime, contact our law firm today. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience about sexual accusations. Meet with us to put together a strategic plan for your defense.

Always hope for the best and plan for the worst. This means even if you have a great case to fight, you need to prepare for a possible “guilty” or plea bargain. An attorney always needs to prepare to battle on multiple fronts. Do not – ABSOLUTELY DO NOT – forgo the opportunity to put together a comprehensive psycho-sexual analysis and treatment plan as a part of your defense of sexual accusations. Hopefully, if the case goes well you will never need to rely on this plan, but in the even things do not go as well as you hope, you need to be able to put jurors minds and hearts as ease that any perceived threat can be adequately addressed with treatment. Whether the charge is Indecency with a Child, Sexual Assault, or any other sexual offense, get a lawyer that is going to work to protect you in all possible situations.

Link to profile of Attorney Cody Cofer