Without a doubt, trusting your attorney is of paramount importance. However, learning whether you can trust a person is a difficult task, and all of us know that we’ve had people in our lives we thought we could trust that let us down. One of the resources that I stumbled across actually suggests “people who don’t maintain eye contact usually have a problem with the truth.” So their recommendation is don’t retain an attorney that doesn’t make good eye contact. Most experts in non-verbal communication will tell you that evaluating someone’s trustworthiness based on the cue of bad eye-contact is about as scientific as allowing a groundhog to forecast the weather for you. The truth is, lawyers, like other people, have a variety of communication styles. Averting your eyes occurs for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is someone concentrating on what they’re hearing or deep in thought. You absolutely want an attorney that listens well and gives your matter serious thought. So, I will not endeavor to give a magic checklist of old wives-tales about picking the right attorney. I hope to give you resources and a framework to objectively seek out the most qualified and effective counsel. Regardless of your particular communication style or preferences, at the end of the day, you want to find an attorney that has the best chance of getting you the best results.

  • Evaluate an Attorney’s Experience
  • Evaluate an Attorney’s Approach
  • Evaluate an Attorney’s Reputation

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